Message From the Band Booster Club

Hello Band Parents! If you were not able to attend registration Saturday, August 4th we are sorry we missed you! Here is some information you may have missed:

  1. The Band conducts approximately 5 fundraisers each year: March A Thon, Passbooks, Coke Sales, Car Wash and Chocolate Sales. All parents have the opportunity to donate $250.00 in lieu of fundraising this year. You have until September 7th to turn in your donation. It is a tax deductible donation (you will get a receipt to use for your taxes). If you choose to do this you do not have to participate in any further fundraising for the year (but your student must still work at the car wash and we would still love to have you donate your service during our events at the concession stand or other events).
  2. The kids are currently participating in both the March A Thon and Passbook sales fundraisers:
    1. For the March A Thon they are encouraged to raise $100 in pledges… for every $50 pledge they turn in by Thursday, August 23rd (this includes the donation in lieu of fundraising) they receive a raffle ticket in the drawings for one of two 16GB Nook Tablets, a $50 I Tunes gift card, or one of two $25 Sonic gift cards. (The more pledges, the more raffle tickets, the greater chances of winning)
    2. For Passbooks they are asked to sell 3 Passbooks.
  3. Water Drive — we are trying to save money for the band by doing a water drive this year. If you can donate one or two cases of bottled water (16.9 oz only please) the band would be very grateful. You can send the cases to school with your student or you may bring them the evening of our Exhibition… If you are able and would like to donate more, the band will happily accept. Some of the brands that we know have 16.9 oz sizes are Dasani, Purelife, Ozarka, and almost all of the local store brands (Kroger, Walmart, Sams, Costco, etc.)
  4. On Friday Aug. 24th at 8pm, the band and drill team will perform their first public performance of the season. Afterwards, we will have ice cream and mingle with the drill team. We will also draw the winners for the March A Thon prizes.
  5. Chaperone Training — we always need chaperones for our different events, whether it be football games, competitions or trips. We need parent volunteers who are willing to ride the buses and supervise the safety of our band students. Getting to see all the events and competitions is just one of the many perks of chaperoning. We will have a training session on Tuesday, August 28th at 7:00 pm in the Band Hall lasting around 30 minutes.
  6. Viking Fest is coming Wednesday, August 29th at 6:30 pm at Lamar. This is where you can purchase all your spirit wear for your student and yourself. The Band will be selling t-shirts for students and parents, as well as lanyards and window decals. And, new this year — we can except Credit Cards for your convenience!
  7. Download the Pride of Lamar Personal Program Ads form. With this you can choose an ad for your band student that will be placed in our Lamar Band / Orchestra program this year. We also have a business ad form if you’d like to purchase a business ad – just let us know.
  8. If you have any questions about any of the information in this email, please feel free to contact Booster Club President Jane Call at or call 817-692-5764.